Focus Term: Art
American Dreams: People Who Shaped the Landscape of the Great American Rail-Trail
August 06, 2024
Explore stories about people, places and events that shaped the Great American Rail-Trail from "History Along the Great American Rail-Trail."
North Carolina’s Charlotte Rail Trail
January 19, 2023
The bustling Charlotte Rail Trail is a 12-foot-wide swath of urban utopia in North Carolina’s largest city. Bikers stream by in packs.
California’s Napa Valley Vine Trail
April 12, 2022
As California’s Napa Valley Vine Trail grows to reach its ultimate 47-mile potential, community members and visitors realize the beauty of connectivity and accessibility.
Follow Your Art: Exploring the Trailside Artwork of Bernard Williams
January 27, 2022
“Connecting art with trails is a beautiful gesture that seems to be happening more often,” reflected Bernard Williams.
Richmond Industrial Trail transformará vecindarios y vidas en el norte de Filadelfia
April 19, 2021
La visión de una vía verde de 1,9 millas para caminar y andar en bicicleta está tomando forma a lo largo de Richmond Industrial Track.
Richmond Industrial Trail Will Transform Neighborhoods and Lives in North Philadelphia
April 19, 2021
A vision for a 1.9-mile walking and biking greenway is taking shape along the Richmond Industrial Track.
Charlotte Rail Trail Public Art Master Plan
December 17, 2015
The Charlotte Rail Trail Public Art Master Plan provides a roadmap for a long-term integrated public arts strategy for the Rail Trail.
10 Great Biking Moments in Movies
November 25, 2014
We’re pleased to bring you these—10 great biking moments in movies (in order of release).
Legacy Trail Public Art Master Plan
April 01, 2010
This Public Art Master plan lays out the implementation of public art along Lexington, Kentucky's Legacy Trail.