Focus Term: Celebrate Trails Day
A Year of Joy and Progress for Trails
This year of progress for trails underscored how trails are transforming lives and bringing joy to people and communities.
The Joy of Celebrating Trails Day 2024
Celebrate Trails Day 2024 was celebrated in all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Our partners planned more than 240 celebrations.
The Impact of Trails for People, Places and the Planet Centerpiece of Nationwide Celebration
RTC calls on Americans to walk, bike and be active outside in a demonstration of the transformative benefits of trails.
Exploring Trails with Bike Trailers: Tips for a Family-Friendly Adventure
Bike Trailers Tips can enhance your journey, providing a safe and convenient means to transport your little ones, pets or cargo.
Celebrate the Joy of Being on the Trail Webinar
Gearing Up for a Cross-Country Trail Trek Webinar
How Connected Trails Keep Us Active and Well Webinar
Trails Creating Community in the Outdoors
Five Reasons to Get Outside on Trails This Spring
On Celebrate Trails Day, RTC calls on America to walk, bike and be active outside to showcase the joy and impact of trails.
Seven Ways to Keep Kids Entertained on the Trails
To help make your family biking adventures more enjoyable, here are seven creative ideas to keep kids entertained while cruising the trails.