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Focus Term: RTC in Action

These 2023 Trail Grants Are Activating Trails and Trail Networks Across the US
December 11, 2023

In 2023, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Awarded 30 Trail Grants Totaling $348,000 to Support Equitable Trail Development and Community Programs.

Black People Who Hike event in August 2023 | Photo courtesy Black People Who Hike
Remembering Hal
August 09, 2023

Hal Hiemstra was a pivotal figure in the active transportation movement and served as Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s vice president of national policy in the 1990s.

Hal Hiemstra | Photo courtesy Summit Strategies, graphic by RTC
18 Months In: What’s the Impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for Trails, Walking and Biking?
June 22, 2023

After 18 months, learn aboutthe Impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for trails, walking and biking.

Ohio's Cleveland Foundation Centennial Lake Link Trail | Photo by Jason Cohn
Remembering Franco Harris—Trails and Bicycling Advocate
June 14, 2023

Franco Harris, who died in December 2022 at the age of 72, became an important advocate for trails and cycling, in particular. And he did so as a member of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) Board of Directors from 1992 to 1997.

Franco Harris supported the trails and bicycling community in many ways, including as a board member for Rails-to-Trails Conservancy from 1992 to 1997, and as the owner of the Pittsburgh Power bike racing team in the early 1990s. | Photo courtesy Governor Tom Wolf | CC BY 2.0
Reflecting on 2022: Capturing Once-in-a-Generation Opportunities for Trails, Walking and Biking
December 07, 2022

This December, we’re taking time to reflect on the challenges and changes, hard work and persistence, that’s made up the fabric of this impactful year.

Photo courtesy Getty Images
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Awards $300,000+ to Support Inclusive Trail Projects Across the Nation
November 13, 2022

RTC has awarded a combined $300,000+ in grants to 25 organizations working in rural, suburban and urban communities across the country as part of the 2022 Trail Grants program.

Atlantic Greenway South Beach Trail, part of the Miami LOOP | Photo by Lee Smith
Breaking News: The Rock Island Trail Is On Track to Be Game-Changer for Missouri
December 13, 2021

The State of Missouri announced that they have officially railbanked the 144-mile Rock Island Railroad corridor.

Graphic by RTC, photo courtesy Missouri Rock Island Trail Inc.
Looking Back, With Gratitude, on a Year of Challenges and Triumphs for Trails
December 22, 2020

As 2020 draws to a close—a year of extreme changes and challenges—it is with incredible appreciation that we reflect on the collective impact of our movement across the country.

Photo by India Kea
When Trails Connect Everyone, Everywhere
November 30, 2020

Throughout this year, as we’ve continued to galvanize the trails movement in a virtual world, the movement itself has inspired us—in particular, the stories so many have shared of the moments of joy, respite, healing and strength they have found on the trail. The impact of our work in this time has brought urgency and focus to our path forward.

Tacony Creek | Photo by Thom Carroll
Trail Moments | From Father to Son—A Beautiful Life on a Bike Seat
September 07, 2020

I was lucky enough to grow up near a great rail-trail—the W&OD Trail in Northern Virginia—and as a child I used it regularly for leisurely rides.

Jorge Brito and son on the W&OD Trail in Northern Virginia | Courtesy Jorge Brito