Focus Term: TrailNation
Prescribe-a-Trail: Walking to Happier and Healthier Lifestyles in Greater Philly
Prescribe-a-Trail (PAT) is a program in which Philadelphia-area hospitals and health-care organizations lead outings on local trails along the Circuit Trails network.

Protecting Trails in 2018: Five Ways We Mobilized in Communities This Year
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and the national trail community put itself on the front lines to protect and defend trails in 2018. Here are five ways we mobilized in communities this year.

Trail Caucus Kicks Off to Connect Wisconsin as New Projects Build Momentum
An active and enthusiastic crowd of trail advocates gathered to kick off the state’s newly formed Legislative Trails Caucus.

These Farm Markets and Gardens Are Inspiring Health on America’s Trails
What’s better than a farmers’ market or community garden for providing locally grown food and encouraging good eating? Why, a market or garden next to a trail, of course!

The P2P: World-Class Trail Network to Kick-Start Bike Tourism Boom in West Virginia and Pennsylvania
The P2P corridor heads east out of the Ohio River port city of Parkersburg, along the North Bend Rail Trail, through small, rural communities like Cairo, West Union and Salem. Seventy-eight percent of the 150-mile West Virginia section is already complete, with a few key gaps in Wood, Harrison and Marion counties.

Ohio Senators Steve Wilson and Sean O’Brien on Creating a Statewide Trail System
In May 2017, the Ohio Legislative Trails Caucus, a bipartisan group of state-elected officials, committed to an Ohio Statewide Trail System.

West Virginia and Pennsylvania’s Parkersburg to Pittsburgh Corridor
The P2P: It’s a small acronym that holds a world of promise. Extending from Parkersburg to Pittsburgh (P2P), the developing 238.5-mile route connecting northern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania by trail.

Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail
If you’re only planning to take one bike trip this year, eastern Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail is not only at the top of our list, but also ranks in the top 10 most-viewed trails on by trail users

Bright Horizons: Florida’s Miami LOOP
Approximately 54 percent complete to date, the Miami LOOP is a 225-mile trail vision to expand transportation options, make biking and walking safer and more equitable.
