Creating Inclusive & Equitable Trail Development: Case Studies in Detroit and Milwaukee
Trails provide people with safe and inexpensive spaces for outdoor physical activity, commuting and recreation. They can serve as economic catalysts, opening up opportunities for neighborhood reinvestment. They also provide critical “social infrastructure”—public spaces where people can meet, interact and build relationships. The key to maximizing these benefits is ensuring every stakeholder in a community is a part of the development process and will benefit from their use.
- Cheryl Blue, Executive Director, 30th Street Industrial Corridor Corporation
- Janet Attarian, AIA LEED AP BD+C, Senior Mobility Strategist I Principal | SmithGroup
- Todd Scott, Executive Director, Detroit Greenways Coalition
- Kenneth Kokroko, PLA, ASLA, Landscape Architect |Associate | SmithGroup
- Brian Charlton, PLA, LEED AP, ASLA
Willie Karidis, Route of the Badger Project Manager, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
RTC’s Trail Expert Network and Policy team produce a free webinar series designed to help trail professionals build, grow, manage, maintain, promote or otherwise support trails and trail networks. Sign up here to get webinar alerts.
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Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.