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WEBINAR -TrailNation Playbook in Action: Mapping and Gap-Filling Strategies to Accelerate Network Development
November 27, 2023
Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) for our TrailNation Playbook in Action series! Throughout the year, we’ll take a deep dive into the TrailNation Playbook, a free resource to leverage the lessons learned from building trail networks, and leaders from across the trails and active transportation movement who are successfully implementing the playbook strategies in their communities. […]
Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding Opportunities
November 15, 2023
This table prepared by the FHWA indicates potential eligibility for pedestrian and bicycle projects under U.S. Department of Transportation surface transportation funding programs. Additional restrictions may apply. See notes and basic program requirements below, and see program guidance for detailed requirements.  This resource is updated regularly. Check the FHWA website for the most recent version: […]
WEBINAR – TrADE Talk: Opportunities and Innovation with Transportation Alternatives Funding Implementation
September 20, 2023
The Transportation Alternatives Data Exchange (TrADE) helps stakeholders at the federal, state and local levels understand and make effective use of the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) Program. Learn more about RTC’s recently released TrADE Report which is an important tool for states, regions and active transportation professionals to understand spending patterns and strengthen the program, thus improving the efficiency and impact of investments made.    During this TrADE talk, attendees heard from and engaged […]
Transportation Alternatives Spending Report FY22
September 11, 2023
Executive Summary The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) is the largest dedicated source of funding for trails, walking and bicycling in the United States. Since 1991, this program, formerly known as Transportation Enhancements (TE), has transformed the landscape of the country. While projects in several categories (including eligibilities such as historic preservation and highway beautification) are […]
DOT/ FHWA Technical Assistance Compilation
August 31, 2023
This FHWA document provides resources formal technical assistance that can support disadvantaged communities, biking, multiuse paths, and active transportation. The document lists both government and non-government sources of technical assistance, including Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. Author: Federal Highway Administration
Best Practices Synthesis and Guidance in At-Grade Trail-Crossing Treatments
August 31, 2023
At-grade trail crossings have frequently been the sites of bicycle, pedestrian, and snowmobile crashes in Minnesota and throughout the nation. To date, many resources exist for use in the design of trails and intersections, such as the MnDOT Bikeway Facility Design Manual, while guidelines of traffic control at roadway-trail crossings are covered in the MN […]
Unlocking the Economic & Community Development Potential of IHTC Trails
July 31, 2023
A region brimming with great trails makes for an appealing outdoor destination. That is why the Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition (IHTC) is working to complete and connect a system of shared use trails across 51 counties in western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia, eastern Ohio, and southwest New York. IHTC’s vision is that this “Industrial Heartland” […]
Ohio's Cleveland Foundation Centennial Lake Link Trail | Photo by Renee Rosensteel
WEBINAR – Delivering on the Potential of Federal Infrastructure Investments
July 12, 2023
Since the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, trail and active transportation advocates have celebrated the opportunity this unprecedented funding creates for trails, walking and biking. All types of places, from small towns to cities and entire regions, are tapping funding in new ways to accelerate local and regional trail priorities. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) sees […]
Justice40-Covered USDOT Funding Programs with Non-Federal Match Flexibility
July 05, 2023
Executive Order 14008, signed by President Biden at the start of his Administration, created the Justice40 Initiative to establish the goal that 40 percent of overall benefits of certain Federal investments should flow to disadvantaged communities that are overburdened by climate change, pollution, and environmental hazards. This whole-of-government initiative includes efforts by DOT to ensure transportation investments support […]
WEBINAR – TrailNation Playbook in Action: Creating Engagement Moments that Accelerate Your Trail Network
June 27, 2023
When we think about what it takes to develop a successful trail network, engagement is inherently part of the equation. But figuring out how to engage the many different people—local residents, elected officials, the business community and more—can be overwhelming. One way to approach this is by thinking about the many moments that take place […]