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State Term: Delaware

The Joy of Celebrating Trails Day 2024
May 13, 2024

Celebrate Trails Day 2024 was celebrated in all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Our partners planned more than 240 celebrations.

Bronzeville Trail Task Force, Major Taylor Bike Club & The Misfits Cycling Club riding Chicago's Major Taylor Trail | Photo by Douglas Monieson
Delaware Complete Communities Bill
February 05, 2024
This bill gives local governments the option to enter into an agreement with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) to create transit-oriented development districts, called Complete Community Enterprise Districts, for the purposes of promoting economic development. Mixed-use, transit-oriented communities would engender more biking and walking.  Related: Delaware house passes transit-friendly bill by Julian Sadur (May […]
Top 10 Trails in Delaware
June 20, 2021

Dubbed “the Small Wonder”, trails in Delaware certainly reflect that moniker; the longest one is only 10 miles long!

Delaware's Georgetown-Lewes Trail | Photo by TrailLink user James McGinnis
Delaware’s Cape Henlopen State Park Bike Loop
January 12, 2021

These are glimpses of natural beauty to be found along the trails that wind through Delaware’s Cape Henlopen State Park.

Cape Henlopen State Park Bike Loop | Courtesy Delaware State Parks
Pennsylvania’s Tacony Creek Trail
June 08, 2020

The 3.2-mile Tacony Creek Trail, paved and smooth as a river stone, flows along the waterway under the hush of tall old-growth trees.

Tacony Creek Trail | Photo by Thom Carroll
50 Great Rail-Trails in 50 States
July 17, 2019

Here are snapshots of our favorite rail-trail experiences from all 50 states—demonstrating the beauty and geography our country is known for.

Wyoming’s Medicine Bow Rail Trail passes through large stands of lodgepole, spruce, fir and aspen; traverses meadows of grass and sagebrush; crosses numerous streams; and skirts dozens of swamps, bogs, ponds and lakes. Photo by Amber Travsky.
Richmond Industrial Trail Feasibility Study
March 18, 2019
In 2017, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) was funded by the William Penn Foundation to advance planning and development of a trail along the Richmond Industrial Track Rail Corridor in the Kensington, Fairhill and Port Richmond communities. A $1.8 million corridor cleanup by Conrail, the adjacent rail road, with the City of Philadelphia created an opening for […]
Rendering by Jing Bian and Dennis Mbugua
Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail
January 16, 2018

If you’re only planning to take one bike trip this year, eastern Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail is not only at the top of our list, but also ranks in the top 10 most-viewed trails on by trail users

D&L Trail | Photo courtesy Pocono Biking