State Term: Indiana
Best Of: Great American Rail-Trail Adventures With the Traverses
In June 2021, my husband, Pat, and I began our trek on the Great American Rail-Trail® in Seattle, Washington, at the western end of the 3,700-mile developing route.

Yearly Routine Rail-Trail Maintenance Costs Per Mile
Great American Rail-Trail Route Assessment Report 2022
A Walk to Remember: Indiana’s Place as the Crucible of American Music
America’s greatest contribution to cultural history is its music, and it’s been influenced directly by the records made by those artists of Gennett records.

Follow Your Art: Exploring the Trailside Artwork of Bernard Williams
“Connecting art with trails is a beautiful gesture that seems to be happening more often,” reflected Bernard Williams.

A Conversation With the 2021 Rail-Trail Champion: Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb
RTC is honoring Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb as the 2021 Doppelt Family Rail-Trail Champion for the state’s Next Level Trails program.

Indiana’s Big 4 Trail
Surrounded by tree canopies, beautiful countryside and the charm of small towns, the Big 4 Trail traverses a Midwestern wonderland. The developing rail-trail serves as an important regional connector—spreading diagonally across Boone County, crossing into Clinton County and, eventually, continuing into Tippecanoe County.

Here Are Six Reasons Rails-to-Trails Is Celebrating This Year
A year of positive momentum. That’s how we’d describe 2021, which—despite many challenges and much uncertainty—still came with so much hope and progress for trails and those who made them happen.

Great American Rail-Trail: Long-Distance Adventures
RTC talked to several long-distance bicyclists who have taken on the Great American Rail trail alread.

2021 Great American Rail-Trail Route Assessment Report