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State Term: South Carolina

5 Amazing Rail-Trail Destinations for Your Bucket List
April 11, 2016

The Rio Grande Trail is quintessential Colorado, featuring a sparkling river, rustling aspens and scented pines against a backdrop of towering mountains.

View from the Walkway Over the Hudson rail-trail in New York | Photo by Aaron Schmidt
South Carolina Transportation Revenue Bill
March 01, 2016
This bill would have raised the gas tax by 10 cents and cut the state’s income taxes by 2 percentage points over 10 years. Failed. Read the legislation.
South Carolina’s Greenville Health System Swamp Rabbit Trail
February 13, 2016

At the doorstep to the Blue Ridge Mountains of South Carolina, the Swamp Rabbit Trail has become so integrated into the culture of its trailside towns

View of Liberty Bridge from the Swamp Rabbit Trail | Photo by Barry Peters