BATC Members and Friends
Robert I. Schroder Overcrossing along the Iron Horse Trail in Contra Costa County, CA. | Photo courtesy RTC
Membership is open to interested organizations, agencies and businesses that support trails and the BATC mission. As a Member, you will be invited to help develop and implement the BATC strategic plan, serve on working groups and attend quarterly meetings. There is no cost to join.
All new Member applications are subject to review and approval by BATC leadership. More details—including the commitments and benefits of becoming a Member—are available on the application page.

Below is a list of all current Members of BATC.
- Alta Planning + Design
- Bay Area Ridge Trail Council (Ridge Trail OR BARTC)
- Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay
- Bike East Bay
- CalBike
- City of San Jose
- David R. Brower, Ronald V. Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies
- East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD)
- EcoRing (ER)
- El Cerrito Strollers & Rollers
- Friends of Stevens Creek Trail (FoSCT)
- Hayward Area Recreation and Park District
- Hayward Community Coalition (HayCoCoa)
- Marin County Bicycle Coalition
- Marin County Parks
- Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen)
- Napa Valley Vine Trail
- Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT)
- OuterSpatial
- Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)
- PlaceWorks
- Rails to Trails Conservancy
- Rich City Rides
- Richmond Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee
- San Mateo County Parks
- Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department (Santa Clara County Parks)
- SF Urban Riders (SFUR)
- Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC)
- Studio-MLA
- Trails for Richmond Action Committee (TRAC)
- WRT Planning + Design
- Zander Westbrook
Friends of BATC
We invite all interested organizations, agencies, elected officials and individuals to show your support for the BATC vision and mission, and become a Friend of BATC. As a Friend, you will receive regular updates about the progress of the developing trail network and action alerts for advocacy opportunities in which your voice can truly help make a difference. Find out more details about Member benefits on the application page. There is no cost to join.
Below is a list of all current Friends of BATC.
- City of Mountain View
- Mission Peaks Conservancy
- San Francisco Bay Trail
- Seamless Bay Area
- Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition
Elected Officials:
- Robert Raburn, District 4 Director, BART
- Sara Lamnin, Mayor Pro Tempore, City of Hayward
- Treva Reid, District 7 Councilmember, City of Oakland
- Adelilna Aramburo
- Ben Domingeu, Stanford University
- Christian Riblet
- Cristina Bejarano, WRT
- Dave Guarino
- Deeksha Rawat, WRT
- Dena Johnson
- Dennis Link
- Dylan Hingey
- Jim Meyerson
- Joan Lamphier
- Josh Capps
- Julie Munneke
- Kelly Rowland
- Laila Gulzar
- Lucy Bernholz
- Martha Vognar
- Mary Echols, Sell It with Flowers
- Penny Barthel
- Robert Collins
- Srinivasu Mandava
- Susie White
- Tim Oey,
- Tom Willging