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TrailNation Collaborative Events

Join our nationwide peer learning community

The TrailNation Collaborative is a new peer learning community from Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) where thousands of advocates, public leaders and professionals can come together to share their experiences, their challenges and their strategies for accelerating the pace of equitable and connected trail and active transportation infrastructure.

There are many meaningful conversations and connections planned, including in-person events, regular interactive virtual gatherings, monthly online dialogues and opportunities to engage with each other in the dedicated Facebook group.


Join the TrailNation Collaborative to receive regular newsletters on funding announcements and what’s happening with trail network development across the country.

Explore our on-demand library of past webinars and events including the TrailNation Collaborative Kickoff Launch Event.

Creating Engagement Moments that Accelerate Your Trail Network

When we think about what it takes to develop a successful trail network, engagement is inherently part of the equation. But figuring out how to engage the many different people—local residents, elected officials, the business community and more—can be overwhelming. One way to approach this is by thinking about the many moments that take place in your community and across your region that bring relevance and meaning to the impact of connected trails. Consider existing local events like farmers markets and festivals that are well-loved and well-attended or large-scale national events that draw focus to trails and create an opportunity to position your trail network as part of a movement.

Webinar Series | Building a Project Vision and Coalitions to Unlock Funding

Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) for our TrailNation Playbook in Action series! In this first session, we discussed how a strong project vision, along with a robust and engaged coalition, work together to demonstrate the importance of the network for your community and unlock new funding opportunities. We were joined by leaders from across the country to discuss their strategies and how these two critical pieces of the TrailNation Playbook have helped advance trail networks in their communities.

Online Dialogue Series | Accessing Federal Trail Funding: Understanding Transportation Alternatives

Join us for the first of a two-part online discussion of the Transportation Alternatives (TA) program, the country’s largest source of funding for trails, walking and biking. During the first conversation, we will discuss the fundamentals of TA, including the program’s history, what projects are eligible, and how funds can be used. Perfect for those new to TA, join us to learn more about the program, how to access these funds, and updated guidance from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.  

Online Dialogue Series | Accessing Federal Trail Funding: Innovations in Transportation Alternatives

Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s TrailNation™ Collaborative for the second of a two-part online discussion of the Transportation Alternatives (TA) program, the country’s largest source of federal funding for trails, walking and biking. This second discussion will feature conversations on innovative ways states and metropolitan planning organizations are using the funds and meeting match requirements, as well as prioritizing equity and connectivity in their communities.

The TrailNation™ Collaborative is a new peer learning community from Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) where advocates, public leaders and professionals can come together to share their experiences, their challenges and their strategies for accelerating the pace of equitable and connected trail and active transportation infrastructure.

This inclusive nationwide network has attracted thousands who want to work together to meet a growing demand for trail networks and access unprecedented public funding opportunities at the federal, state and local levels.

This conversation centered on the transformational benefits that trail networks deliver to our regional economies, our efforts to support sustainability and environmental resiliency, and the health and well-being of our communities.

Trails can play an important role in creating more equitable spaces for everyone to walk, bike and be active outside. In this conversation, we explored the implications of trail networks for increasing access to the outdoors, active recreation and active transportation in small towns, big cities and every community in between.

New federal funding for trails and active transportation has created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to connect the nation’s trails. We talked with USDOT Assistant Secretary Christopher Coes about new public funding that supports the development and maintenance of connected trail systems, especially those presented with the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Fiscal Year 2023 federal funding bill.