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Focus Term: State and Federal Programs

New Guidance for Transportation Alternatives: Transformative Funding for Trails, Walking and Biking
April 06, 2022

Last week, the federal officials released new guidance on the Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Aside.

Herring Run Trail | Side A Photography
Spring News from the State Legislatures
April 05, 2022

Depending on where you live, this time of year may mean the prolonged dregs of winter, early signs of Spring, or some variation on “mud season.” But for most of the country—regardless of climate or geography—it’s also the height of the state legislative season.

Most states’ general assemblies are part-time, and generally convene in the early part of each calendar year. All but a handful of states are currently in session. So what does this mean for trails and active transportation funding in states?

Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge connecting Iowa and Nebraska | Photo by TrailLink user thejake91739
Tom Petri Awards Honor 13 Outstanding Trail Projects and Programs in 2021
November 10, 2021

The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) honored this year’s recipients of the Tom Petri Recreational Trails Program Annual Achievement Awards.

Vermilion River Regional Greenway in Minnesota | Photo by TrailLink user travistschepen
Analysis: Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Passes With New Opportunities for Trails, Walking and Biking
November 05, 2021

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (H.R.3684).

Photo courtesy RTC
Despite Earlier Fears, the State of State Trail Funding Looks Strong
August 03, 2021

As of the summer of 2021, the state of trails in the states is much stronger than we anticipated.

Indianapolis Cultural Trail | Photo by Indiana Cultural Trail, Inc.
New Hampshire’s Londonderry Rail Trail
April 05, 2020

About a 45-mile drive northwest of Boston, the Londonderry Rail Trail in the quaint southern New Hampshire town of Londonderry offers locals a slice of tranquility in an otherwise upside-down world with a 4.5-mile jaunt through verdant forests and wildlife-rich wetlands and along scenic ponds.

Recently completed Cohas section of the Londonderry Rail Trail | Courtesy Londonderry Trailways
California Invests Over a Half-Billion Dollars for Low-Stress Active Transportation Projects
March 18, 2020
Analysis of California’s Active Transportation Program on Trails, Walking and Biking: 2013–2018 By Laura Cohen and Whitney Ericson California’s Active Transportation Program (ATP) was created in 2013 to increase the safety and mobility of active transportation users and increase bicycling and walking mode shares. Originally funded at $123 million per year through the merging of several […]
California's Iron Horse Regional Trail | Photo by TrailLink user tommyonbike
Wyoming’s Platte River Trail
June 06, 2019

A momentary pause on the Platte River Trail might yield a glimpse of a pronghorn antelope or mule deer darting through the underbrush, or an eagle or osprey searching for a meal in the river.

Along the Platte River Trail by the Tate Pumphouse | Photo courtesy Platte River Trails
California Invests Big in Trails, Demonstrates Growing Statewide Demand for Walking and Biking Infrastructure
March 28, 2019

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) recently approved more than $280 million in Active Transportation Program (ATP) funding (Cycle 4) to support 59 trail, walking and biking projects throughout the state, with about half—some $139 million—going to trails and separated bikeway projects (hereafter collectively referred to as “trails”).

Skunk Train passing on Willits Rail-Trail | Photo by Laura Cohen
Protecting Trails in 2018: Five Ways We Mobilized in Communities This Year
November 14, 2018

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and the national trail community put itself on the front lines to protect and defend trails in 2018. Here are five ways we mobilized in communities this year.

Baltimore, Maryland | Photo by Side A Photography