Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program
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Established under the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and continued under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) Program funds projects of national significance on Federal or Tribal lands, including construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation. Bicycle and pedestrian projects are eligible for funding under this opportunity and several active transportation projects were successful in the FY 2022 funding cycle. Out of the seven awarded projects in 2022, three projects included walking and biking elements.
The FY 2023 selected projects included the construction of a 1.7-mile bicycle- and pedestrian-only hard-surface trail in Hood River, Oregon and the construction of 12 miles of multiuse cycling trail along IL-13 in Illinois. Additionally, two projects address pedestrian safety.
The program underwent several changes under BIL, including the additions of $55 million annually from the Highway Trust Fund and $300 million annually from the General Fund for fiscal years 2022 through 2026. For the FY 2023 round, $88.29 million is available, and the award ceiling is $44,145,000. In addition, BIL lowered the project award amount minimum from $25 million to $12.5 million and stipulated that 50% of awarded projects fund tribal transportation facilities. Importantly, BIL also increased federal share on tribal transportation projects to 100 percent.
Learn more about NSFLTP, including how to prepare to apply and sign-up for alerts, by visiting the U.S. Department of Transportation’s NSFLTP Program website.
Quick Facts:
- Type: Discretionary grant program
- Administered By: USDOT Federal Highway Administration
- Year Created: 2015 (Fast Act)
- Federal Share: 100%
- Also Known As: NSFLTP
Eligible applicants for NSFLTP grants include:
- State Governments
- Local Governments
- Federally Recognized Tribes and Affiliated Groups
Eligible activities:
NSLFTP grants include construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, projects with estimated construction costs equal to or greater than $12,500,000 and projects occurring within, adjacent to, or accessing Federal and Tribal lands. Trails and other bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are eligible for funding.
USDOT Program Website:
USDOT Program Fact Sheet: