Tunnels on Trails: A Study of 78 Tunnels on 36 Trails in the United States
During the fall of 2000, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy identified open trail tunnels across the United States, and conducted an extensive survey of the managers of these tunnels. This report presents information about the experiences of 78 tunnels on 36 trails in the United States open only to non-motorized traffic. It covers many aspects of these tunnels, focusing on typical community concerns which include safety, liability issues, costs of tunnel restoration, construction, maintenance and the impact of a tunnel on the existing transportation network and surrounding communities.
As a result of the work on this report, the authors are convinced that tunnels used to close gaps that impede bicycle and pedestrian travel represent a valuable resource that can help a community achieve its transportation goals.

Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.