Resource Category: Benefits of Trails
Community Trails: A Benefit to All
May 16, 2006
Trails and greenways create opportunities for people of all ages to bicycle, walk, hike and jog. Across the country, trails and greenways are stimulating tourism and recreation spending, and in many rural communities they are seen as a catalyst for economic growth. In providing attractive, safe, accessible, and low- or no-cost places, they also make it easier for people to […]
Health and Wellness Benefits of Trails and Greenways
November 28, 2004
Trails and greenways create health and wellness benefits for people of all ages with attractive, safe, accessible places to bike, walk, hike, jog, skate or ski. In doing so, they make it easier for people to engage in physical activity. With more health-focused initiatives in progress and more trails on the ground than ever before, the evidence is beginning to accumulate […]
Historic Preservation & Community Identity
October 14, 2003
Economic Benefits of Trails and Greenways
September 30, 2003
This fact sheet examines the value of trails and greenways. Despite different methodologies of different studies, there is growing evidence of such facilities’ value in terms of increased property values, community assets, and a host of environmental and economic benefits.
Enhancing the Environment with Trails and Greenways
June 14, 1999
As tools for conservation, trails and greenways preserve important natural landscapes, provide needed links between fragmented habitats and offer tremendous opportunities for protecting plant and animal species. Partially due to expansive development, “islands” of habitat dot the landscape, isolating wildlife and plant species and reducing habitat necessary for their survival. Trails and greenways provide important […]