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Resource Type: Article

Strategies to Preserve and Build Affordable Housing Near Green Amenities and Urban Trails
January 31, 2022
What strategies and policies have or can be used by cities to build or preserve affordable housing near green amenities and urban trails? In this brief, we provide a review of the academic literature on strategies to preserve and build affordable housing with respect to green amenities and urban trails. We look at a variety of strategies including shared equity […]
Neighborhood Change and Gentrification Near Trails
October 17, 2021
Research Summary: Neighborhood Change and Gentrification Near Three Urban Trails Authors: Greg Lindsey, Yunlei Qi, Torsha Bhattacharya, Tracy Loh Published: October 2021 Read the full article in the journal, Findings, published October 2021: In recent years, some studies have suggested possible correlation between trails and gentrification. These studies tended to examine high-profile trails in markets […]
Powerful Partnerships: Utility Companies + Trails
August 31, 2021
Working alongside utility companies across the country, trail entities have often used utility corridors to help build safe and accessible trails for local communities. Some of these most visible trails span miles under large power lines, but utility corridors refer to any passages built below or above ground that carry utility lines, such as electricity, […]
New Power Generation: Trails and Utilities in Wisconsin & across the US
August 31, 2021
This article from Rails to Trails Magazine’s Fall 2021 issue narrates how trail developers in Wisconsin along the Route of the Badger, and around the nation, are finding willing partners in utility companies to lay down some miles.
Trails Forecast: Resiliency and Repair
February 20, 2020
Discover how trail managers are embracing new solutions to help mitigate the economic, environmental and infrastructural impacts of natural disasters and ensure long-term climate and community resiliency.  This article was originally published in the Winter 2020 issue of Rails to Trails magazine.
Rails-to-Trails Conversions: A Legal Review
May 04, 2017
Introduction Rail-trails are subject to a unique, and occasionally complex, mixture of federal and state law. Many rail-trail conversions are “railbanked” under Section 8(d) of the National Trails System Act, often called “the Railbanking Act” or the “Rails-to-Trails Act.” This important federal law, enacted by Congress in 1983 to preserve established railroad corridors for interim […]
Legal Research Digest: Liability Aspects of Bikeways
March 31, 2010
This research project provides up-to-date information on legal risks to transportation and other public entities having bikeways, or the authority to designate them, or bicycle use on shared roadways. This report will be useful to attorneys, transportation officials, risk managers, planners, maintenance engineers, financial officers, policy makers, and all persons interested in the relative rights […]
Considering Contamination in a Rail-Trail Conversion
December 08, 2004
Development of Transportation Enhancement (TE) projects always entails a basic level of environmental review. In some cases, the environmental review and remediation process can be complicated by the presence of toxic substances. The rehabilitation of a historic building could require removal of lead paint or asbestos; creation of a new park on a former industrial […]