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Focus Term: Walkability and Bikeability

Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail
March 16, 2018
Northwest Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail offers an experience of beautiful contrasts. The region boasts sandy dunes, a glimmering Great Lake and windswept prairies.
Erie Lackawanna Trail | Photo by Eric Allix Rogers
Kentucky’s Louisville Loop
February 12, 2018
Louisvillians officially named the Louisville Loop in 2005, but you could argue that trails run in this city’s lifeblood.
Trail Geek Terminology (A Cheat-Sheet to Satisfy Your Inner Wonk)
January 29, 2018
RTC's put together this little trail-geek cheat sheet so that we can all bone up on our trail and active-transportation policy speak.
Photo Courtesy RTC
Bright Horizons: Florida’s Miami LOOP
January 12, 2018
Approximately 54 percent complete to date, the Miami LOOP is a 225-mile trail vision to expand transportation options, make biking and walking safer and more equitable.
The Atlantic Greenway in South Beach is part of Florida’s 225-mile developing Miami LOOP. | Photo by Lee Smith
A View From … The National Trails System
January 03, 2018
In 2018, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act, which provided an incredible legacy for all Americans. Five of these iconic American experiences are listed below along with rail-trails that weave in and around them.
Great Shasta Rail Trail | Photo by Christina Schmidlin with Hellikon, courtesy Great Shasta Rail Trail Association
Colorado’s Animas River Trail
November 08, 2017
For walkers and bicyclists along the town’s scenic Animas River Trail, the white-and-gray plumes of steam rising from the old locomotives and the echo of train whistles are common sights and sounds.
Animas River Trail | Photo by Cindy BarksAnimas River Trail | Photo by Cindy Barks
Louisiana’s Tammany Trace
August 16, 2017
Spanning 27 miles, the Tammany Trace is a Southern belle nestled in the pristine natural surroundings of New Orleans.
The trail winds through St. Tammany Parish towns and green spaces | Courtesy
Indiana’s Nickel Plate Trail
March 14, 2017
In the spring, when the corn shoots up from the ground and the trees are full of life again, the Nickel Plate Trail really becomes a thing of beauty.
Photo by Robert Annis
10 Movies with Great Walking Moments
November 24, 2015
With the U.S. Surgeon General’s recent Call to Action on Walking, it was the perfect time for 10 Movies with Great Walking Moments.
Stand by Me (1986) | Copyright by Columbia Pictures and other respective production studios and distributors. Intended for editorial use only.
10 Great Hiking and Walking Trails
September 30, 2015
In honor of Trails, Parks and Outdoor Spots month, here's a list of 10 great walking and hiking trails across America (in no particular order).
Chessie Nature Trail | Photo by Frank N. Carlson