Best Practices in Trail Maintenance: A Manual by the Ohio River Greenway
October 31, 2014
This manual is intended for practical use by trail maintenance managers, and particularly those working along the Ohio River Greenway and in similar environs. It will also be useful for policy makers who are tasked with anticipating and planning for maintenance budget and personnel needs. Created by Purdue University
Austin, Texas Case Study: Budgeting by the People
August 05, 2014
This fact sheet describes the rise of trails, walking and bicycling in Austin, Tx. which other communities can learn from.
Santa Clara County Trail Maintenance Manual
May 05, 2014
This Trail Maintenance Manual was developed as a field guideline and procedure manual for Park staff responsible for the maintenance, construction, and operation of the Santa Clara County Parks trails’ system. The guidelines within this manual address all types of trails including single-track, dual purpose, multi-use, paved trails, and service and fire roads. Author: Santa Clara County
Watershed Education by Bike Resource Guide
March 31, 2014
This resource guide was created to document the Watershed Education by Bike (WEB) program developed by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. The activities and experiences included in this document are intended to help other organizations and individuals carry on the work and programming started by WEB. WEB grew from the Camden Youth Cycling Learning and Exercising (CYCLE) program, a summer […]
National Trail Surfaces Study
January 31, 2014
This National Trail Surfaces Study provides the results of the longitudinal study of the firmness and stability of trail surface materials located at Bradford Woods, at Indiana University. It also provides the national survey results of trail managers administered by Oklahoma State University on the types and characteristics of trail surfaces currently being used around […]
Best Practices: Greenspace and Flood Protection Guidebook
December 31, 2013
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has developed this Guidebook to increase awareness of the linkages between flood resilience and greenspace protection. Designed for local elected officials, floodplain managers, recreational directors, land trusts, and other stakeholders, this Guidebook emphasizes innovative projects across Georgia where communities have captured multiple benefits from projects that increase their flood […]
Amicus brief, Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States
December 31, 2013
Amicus brief written by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, American Trails, American Hiking Society, American Recreation Coalition and National Trust for Historic Preservation in support of the United States in Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States, a case before the Supreme Court of the United States in 2014.
Erie to Pittsburgh Trail User Survey and Economic Impact Analysis (2013)
December 31, 2013
In 2013, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) conducted a study of six connected trails (the Trails) that make up the central leg of the developing 270-mile Erie to Pittsburgh Trail (EPT) and are located in northwest Pennsylvania. The Trails are connected by geography, history and marketing. Owned, operated and maintained by several trail organizations and municipalities, the […]
California Active Transportation Fund
September 25, 2013
In 2013, California’s Senate Bill 99 created California’s first active transportation program. Earlier in the year, the governor had proposed cuts to active transportation funding. A coalition of advocates—including Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, the Coalition for Recreational Trails, the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, California WALKS, the California Bicycle Coalition, PolicyLink, TransForm and the Public Health Institute—pushed […]
America’s Rails-with-Trails Report
August 31, 2013
A Resource for Planners, Agencies and Advocates on Trails Along Active Railroad Corridors Rails-with-trails are safe, common, and increasing in number. These are the standout findings of America’s Rails-with-Trail Report, a defining new study on the development of multi-use trails alongside active freight, passenger and tourist rail lines. Rails-with-trails are valuable assets in providing safe transportation networks […]