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State Term: Indiana

Indiana’s Cardinal Greenway
September 05, 2018
Trail crossing over the White River along the Cardinal Greenway near the McCulloch Riverview Trailhead in Muncie, Indiana | Photo by Tony Valainis
Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail
March 15, 2018

Northwest Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail offers an experience of beautiful contrasts. The region boasts sandy dunes, a glimmering Great Lake and windswept prairies.

Erie Lackawanna Trail | Photo by Eric Allix Rogers
Indiana’s Nickel Plate Trail
March 13, 2017

In the spring, when the corn shoots up from the ground and the trees are full of life again, the Nickel Plate Trail really becomes a thing of beauty.

Photo by Robert Annis
Best Practices in Trail Maintenance: A Manual by the Ohio River Greenway
October 31, 2014
This manual is intended for practical use by trail maintenance managers, and particularly those working along the Ohio River Greenway and in similar environs. It will also be useful for policy makers who are tasked with anticipating and planning for maintenance budget and personnel needs. Created by Purdue University
National Trail Surfaces Study
January 31, 2014
This National Trail Surfaces Study provides the results of the longitudinal study of the firmness and stability of trail surface materials located at Bradford Woods, at Indiana University. It also provides the national survey results of trail managers administered by Oklahoma State University on the types and characteristics of trail surfaces currently being used around […]