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Focus Term: Walkability and Bikeability

California’s Napa Valley Vine Trail
April 12, 2022
As California’s Napa Valley Vine Trail grows to reach its ultimate 47-mile potential, community members and visitors realize the beauty of connectivity and accessibility.
California's Napa Valley Vine Trail in Yountville | Courtesy Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition
How My Electric Bike Helped Me Heal
March 30, 2022
In early January, I suffered a broken tibia and fibula in my right leg from a nasty fall while skiing. Two months after breaking my leg and undergoing surgery, I’m more comfortable riding my e-bike than walking to get around.
Courtesy PeopleForBikes
15 elementos esenciales que todo ciclista debe tener
March 24, 2022
Una pregunta común que tienen los nuevos ciclistas es: ¿Cuáles son los elementos "esenciales" para andar en bicicleta que debo tener en mi "caja de herramientas"?
Cedar Valley Nature Trail in Iowa | Photo by Liz Zabel, courtesy GO Cedar Rapids
Equipamiento de ciclismo útil para senderos, ¡y algunos consejos de MacGyver!
March 22, 2022
Para algunos de nosotros en climas fríos de invierno, la primavera marca el momento en que volvemos al ritmo de las cosas después de no haber recorrido los senderos por un tiempo.
2017 Opening Day for Trails en Three Rivers Heritage Trail en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania | Foto de Amy Kapp
Mejorar el paso: siete maneras de darles vida a las caminatas
March 21, 2022
Es agradable. Es una forma de transporte ecológico. Es ejercicio (e, incluso, un deporte olímpico). No es costoso:
A family of four are hiking through the woods on a beautiful sunny spring day. The are walking on a footpath and there are green trees all around them. (A family of four are hiking through the woods on a beautiful sunny spring day. The are walking on
Cómo entrenar para una carrera de 5K o 10K usando un sendero ferroviario
March 21, 2022
Muchos corredores nuevos comienzan su viaje de acondicionamiento físico con el objetivo de completar una carrera en la que se han inscrito.
Fun Run 5k en W&OD Trail en el norte de Virginia | Cortesía de RTC
Trail Moments | Native Women Running Founder Verna Volker Gets a Running Start on Social Change
December 06, 2021
In Minneapolis, I noticed that there was a really good trail and park system, so I saw people running a lot and thought, ‘I should try that.’
Verna Volker | Photo by Jaylyn Gough, courtesy Hoka One One
Ohio’s Camp Chase Trail
November 10, 2021
Ohio’s Camp Chase Trail is a 16-mile pathway traversing bountiful farmlands, calming countryside and invigorating city scenes.
Ohio's Camp Chase Trail | Photo by TrailLink user jodydzuranin
Analysis: Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Passes With New Opportunities for Trails, Walking and Biking
November 06, 2021
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (H.R.3684).
Photo courtesy RTC
Trail Moments with Latinx Hikers Co-Founder, Adriana Garcia
October 15, 2021
We love learning about individuals who inspire people to get outdoors, which is why our team was excited to meet with Adriana Garcia, the co-founder of Latinx Hikers.
Graphic by RTC